Are we tired yet of hearing about the nasty breakups and divorces of the heartbroken celebrities? I know I’m not! And its standard procedure to begin liquidating their assets and split up the real estate holdings. Here are some more former love nests that may be hitting the market soon…
Heidi Klum and Seal, the current home they purchased for 14.2 million in 2012…we will have to see if this is a new hot property on the market.
Amazingly enough Ashton and Demi never purchased property together in their 6-year marriage, he moved into her mansion and placed his bachelor pad on the market for 2.6 million….
Then there is Katy Perry and Russell brand who had just purchased, Scarlett Johansen and Ryan Reynolds, and Arnold Swarchenegger and Maria Shriver. All who have property together…so, if you want to get a hot deal coming up just check out the latest tabloids for who’s breaking up and moving out!